“Steel is my love, for its possibilities are endless. Hammered, melted, heated, and welded. Though it is cold and hard, with the proper persuasion the steel becomes warm and alive.” CLICK FOR MORE INFO
"I search for beauty in the natural world and in everyday things. I work primarily in oil, from life and from my photographs. I love to see how light transforms objects and places, and to capture that transformation in paint." CLICK FOR MORE INFO
“There is always abstraction in my paintings no matter what the subject matter is. Nature provides organic, compelling shapes. Usually drawing is the starting point consisting of ambiguous elements that add depth to the painting. Moments from the past are as fragile and changing as nature itself. In my life, the way I see a leaf falling can trigger a past memory. This is my emotional connection with nature." CLICK FOR MORE INFO
“I believe there is a bit of magic in the medium of photography that is made up of light, chemistry, natural beauty and the ability to capture a perfect moment on film.” CLICK FOR MORE INFO
His art reflects the beauty of the natural world and is heavily influenced by the regions cultural and natural landscapes. Inspired by nature, his work is characterized by a wide range of organic forms which are met with a balance of precision and chance. Goodman strives for innovation through experimentation. CLICK FOR MORE INFO
Arless creates the fictitious places then adds gouache by brush and uses various tools to draw into the work. His collages end up being windows into an imagined world that are not architecturally possible but full of beauty and surprise. CLICK FOR MORE INFO
Using a variety of mediums and glazes Paul Tamanian creates sculpture and paintings that are truly unique.
Tamanian rolls, pounds, scrapes, sands, fires, glazes, paints, sandblasts and stains each piece until it meets his expectations. Each piece of artwork is a result of years of research and experimentation with clay and aluminum bodies, glazes, firing techniques and even techniques not normally associated with ceramic or metal works. CLICK FOR MORE INFO
"With my work I hope to bridge modern design and the natural world by paring down the essence of things to repetitive texture and basic form. I love the way a texture can produce the illusion of movement, the way light and shadow play with one another. I like to keep the work simple, as I strive to make it captivating yet universally understood. Understated and elegant, it should be able to fit in many different contexts." CLICK FOR MORE INFO
The paintings of Maya Eventov are so rich with color, light, and detail that they reflect not only an impressive draftsmenship, but also a sense of artistic well-being and happiness. CLICK FOR MORE INFO
The greatest pleasure for me through my painting is to be able to capture or spark the imagination of the viewer in a way that evokes emotion, reflection and thought. CLICK FOR MORE INFO
Donalee's work consists of intricate drawings using handmade papers, feathers and various other materials. They increase the tactile and textural effect of the total piece. By this method and combination, she often gets a 'tromp l'oeil' effect. Along with her larger drawings, she has begun to parallel them with miniature watercolor and small acrylic paintings which, are abstract. CLICK FOR MORE INFO
Bob’s kaleidoscopes look like miniature abstract sculptures. Only when one picks the work up, does one realize that they are holding a beautiful, unique kaleidoscope!
“What you see inside a kaleidoscope in a moment of time is unique and will never be seen again in the history of the cosmos.”
Nolan created and taught the fusing class at the Florida State University Student Art Center and taught at the FSU Master Craftsmen Studio. Nolan’s work is included in Contemporary Fused Glass by Bran Walker, and her work is represented in public, corporate and private collection throughout the United States. CLICK FOR MORE INFO
My paintings evolve from my imagination, so I have the freedom to exaggerate patterns or create new ones where they have never existed. I enjoy playing with color, design and texture and prefer to keep my compositions simple to suggest a sense of peace and serenity. Nature’s patterns and color fascinate me and translating and magnifying these elements into my paintings keeps me inspired. CLICK FOR MORE INFO