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Bob made his first kaleidoscope thirty years ago. His current contemporary kaleidoscope designs include wandscopes, wheelscopes. vodkascopes, and marblescopes. Bob’s kaleidoscopes look like miniature abstract sculptures. Only when one picks the work up, does one realize that they are holding a beautiful, unique kaleidoscope!


The contemporary styles that Bob creates always match the exterior as an art object in itself with the interior vision: sometimes a mandala representing wholeness, sometimes a “full field” stretching to infinity, sometimes the elusive double mandala joining two incomplete spheres into harmonious unity. 


Kaleidoscopes were invented in 1816 in Scotland by Sir David Brewster, made popular in Victorian times. They experienced a revival beginning in 

the 1980s, now moving beyond children’s toys into the real of genuine art objects.


What you see inside a kaleidoscope in a moment of time is unique and will never be seen again in the history of the cosmos.


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