2782 Capital Circle NE
Tallahassee, FL 32308
Tel: + 1.850.297.2422
Fax: + 1.850.297.1220
Thank you for inquiring about representation at out gallery. Procedure for requesting representation at Signature Art Gallery is as follows. Photos, slides, CD, a website, email with images of at least five pieces of your work. Information about artist and the work: Background, how long you have been working as an artist, if anyone else represents your work, if you have sold your work, how much you are selling your work for. Please give us a week or two to look at what you have sent. There are a number of us that needs to look at the work.
If we decide that your work is complementary to our gallery and we have room to take on a new artist, we will set up a time for you to bring the work in so we can see it in the gallery. We are always happy to look at new art but many times we just do not have the room to take on a new artist.
I hope that this helpful and has answered your questions.
Vera Madlinger
Signature Art Gallery